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Make a Strong Flu Vaccine Recommendation

The CDC recommends everyone 6 months of age and older get an influenza vaccine every year. Vaccination is especially important for people 65 years and older due to their high risk of developing serious complications from the flu.

Your Vaccine Recommendation is Critical

As a health care professional, your strong recommendation is a critical factor in whether your patients get a flu vaccine. Research indicates that adults are likely to get a flu vaccine if their doctor or health care provider recommends it to them.

How to Make a Strong Flu Vaccine Recommendation

The S.H.A.R.E. method can help you make a strong vaccine recommendation and provide important information to help patients make informed decisions.

Who Should Get an Influenza Vaccine?

Everyone 6 months of age or older should get an influenza vaccine every year


The following flu vaccines are recommended by the CDC for the 2019-20 flu season:

It’s especially important for adults aged 50 and older to be vaccinated

Because the immune system becomes weaker with older age, inhibiting the body’s ability to fight infection, it is imperative the older population get vaccinated. Older adults are also more prone to medical conditions like diabetes and heart disease, which put them at a higher risk of serious complications related to the flu.


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