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Provider FAQs


Who is HealthCare Partners (HCP)? How is HCP different from an insurance company or health plan? Is HealthCare Partners in New York affiliated with HealthCare Partners in California? What is the New Era at HealthCare Partners?


How do I become an HCP Direct provider? If I become an HCP Direct provider, how is my membership in other IPAs impacted? How will the changes at HCP help my practice stay independent and financially viable / increase revenue? Do my patients have to stop seeing the specialists they have previously seen in favor of a Preferred Specialist? Can they maintain current relationships?


How do I know if I am an HCP Preferred Specialist?

Prior Authorization Process

How will these changes, new processes, and tools affect the authorization process? Will we need authorizations for every service? What is the general timeframe for a Prior Authorization request?

Our New Website

How will HCP’s website help me? Can I submit Referrals through the HCP website?