Tools for a Successful Practice
Our processes are created to be streamlined and easy to follow. Use these resources to submit claims, utilize our Preferred Specialists, and access administrative, clinical, and quality support and tools.
Featured Resources
Quick access to the support services you use every day to increase office productivity.

Referrals and Prior Authorization
Learn how to refer your patients to our Preferred Specialists and when prior authorization may be needed.

We want your claims submission process to be as easy as possible. Follow these steps to submit claims for accurate and timely payment.

Clinical Support Services
Access our clinical management teams to complement your patient care plans and improve patient outcomes and satisfaction.

Administrative Support Services
Here you can find out how to contact your provider representative, our customer service department and even update your demographic information. Also look for our value added programs to save your practice money and time.

Quality Resources
Utilize our market leading tools, contact your quality support teams and review our incentive programs.

HCPartners in Care
Find tips in these health articles to support compliance with HEDIS® and CAHPS® measures.

Play a Leadership Role
Find out how you can be part of our Medical Advisory Committee, joining your peers and HCP leadership as we partner to explore new initiatives.