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Provider Incentive Program

​Rewarding Providers for Great Patient Care

HealthCare Partners (HCP) is committed to improving the health of our members by working closely with our Primary Care Providers. The goals of our incentive programs are to improve clinical outcomes and patient satisfaction, which will deliver value to all of our partners.

Just Announced: The 2024 Provider Incentive Program

HCP is pleased to offer the 2024 Provider Incentive Program. The purpose of this incentive is to reward providers for delivering high-quality healthcare, properly documenting care in their patients’ medical records, and submitting the associated claim and encounter data.

Medicare Advantage Incentive for Emblem & Empire Patients

Part 1: Complete Annual Wellness Visits (AWVs) or HCP Patient Assessment Form

The purpose of this incentive is to reward providers for delivering high-quality prospective health assessments where all new and chronic conditions are assessed, managed, and documented properly.

Payment Frequency


Part 2: 3x Patient Visit Bonus

Medicare-aged patients who see their PCP at a regular, pre-determined cadence (i.e. quarterly) experience improved disease management and higher rates of preventative screenings. These patients are less likely to go to the ED or get admitted with ambulatory-sensitive or newly emergent symptoms.

Payment Frequency

Final measurement year reconciliation paid in 2025

Part 3: 7-Day Post-Discharge Visits with Medication Reconciliation

Patients who receive PCP follow-up and medication reconciliation within 7 days of hospital discharge are significantly less likely to be readmitted.

Payment Frequency


Part 4: Star Measures Closed

  • Breast Cancer Screening
  • Care for Older Adults – Pain Assessment
  • Care for Older Adults – Medication Review
  • Colorectal Cancer Screening
  • Controlling High Blood Pressure
  • Diabetes Care – Blood Sugar Controlled (A1c<9)
  • Diabetes Care – Retinal Eye Exam
  • Medication Adherence for Cholesterol (Statins)
  • Medication Adherence for Diabetes Medications
  • Medication Adherence for Hypertension
  • Medication Reconciliation Post-Discharge
  • Statin Therapy for Patients with Cardiovascular Disease
  • Statin Use in Persons with Diabetes
Eligible Submission

Measures are paid as patients achieve compliance in accordance with current HEDIS® specifications.

HEDIS® is a registered trademark of the National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA).

Payment Frequency


Bonus Incentive Opportunity: Preferred Specialists Referral Program

Utilizing vetted preferred specialists facilitates better coordination of patient care and high-quality outcomes, along with higher satisfaction of care experience. Receive additional incentives when you refer your patients to our preferred network for NEW specialist referrals. 


Final year reconciliation period in 2025

Primary Care Physician Gainsharing

Gain share positions the PCP as a partner in value without downside financial exposure. The goal is to reward providers for their contributions to improving care and reducing preventable medical costs.


Exceed network Medical Loss Ratio and Quality targets, and earn gain share back to qualifying PCPs.


Q3 2025

Medicaid Incentive

Primary Care Physician Gainsharing

Gain share positions the PCP as a partner in value without downside financial exposure. The goal is to reward providers for their contributions to improving care and reducing preventable medical costs.


Exceed network Medical Loss Ratio and Quality targets, and earn gain share back to qualifying PCPs.


Q3 2025

Commercial Incentive

Patient Post-Discharge Visits

Commercial patients who receive PCP follow-up and medication reconciliation within 7 days of hospital discharge are significantly less likely to be readmitted.

Patient Visit Bonus

Post-discharge visit completed within 7 days of hospital discharge with medication reconciliation.

Payment Frequency


Resources and Dedicated Staff  are Available to Help you Achieve your Goals

Quality resources are available to assist with properly documenting patient care in medical records, and for submitting the associated claim and encounter data with the appropriate codes. 

Find Documenting M.E.A.T., SOAP Notes, AWV forms, and other helpful tools and education on our Quality Tools webpage.

Our dedicated staff including quality specialists, clinicians, and coders are here to support you with programs, education, assessments, and technology. 

Questions About the Incentive?

Contact your Provider Relations Specialist for any questions regarding this incentive.